
Managing in an anxious world

  Are you an over-thinker? Well! You are not alone. In this current world, anxiety is an emotion which we are experiencing from time to time. The sensation of doom or dread or panic is indeed overwhelming but acknowledging and dealing with them is foremost important. So how to learn to ride the wave of anxiety instead of getting lost in the abyss? So, here are few quick tips which you can follow to manage anxiety: ·       Press the pause button and stop :  Currently we all are going through various changes. So, always remind yourself that experiencing some anxiety in this current circumstance is normal. The challenge is to accept changes and be resilient. Stop! Pause! be aware of what you are feeling. Acknowledge the feeling that anxiety exists & that it can be managed.  It is imperative to manage your anxiety & not let anxiety manage you. ·         Be kind to yourself : Treat yourself with compassion whe...

What great managers do differently

  “A good manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can.” – Frederick W. Smith You would do anything to earn the opportunity to become a manager right? What makes you yearn to earn this tag? Is it just the respect that comes with the title? or is it the added responsibility that comes with it? or, is it simply the feeling of satisfaction in achieving a career milestone? Well, I would say that it is the combination of all these feelings that pushes you hard to rise above your peers and take charge of one of the most crucial positions within the organization. Always remember that a good manager must keep a fine balance between his team members' need and requirements, their well-being, and aspirations and focus on the organization’s goal and objective. As a manager, you are solely responsible for both the success and failure of projects as well as the performance of your team. Today in this blo...

Quick tips for avoiding distractions at workplace

  Interruptions at the workplace are common. Some of us get pushed off balance while others can easily tune out distractions. The truth is nobody can be 100% attentive all the time. So, to avoid disruptions in the office, you can always use some quick tips and manage distractions. Below are a few things that you can do if you are regularly losing focus at your workplace. Manage your time and space - Set aside time for work that takes focus regularly. Make the most of your first hour at work by working on your most difficult job. Request quiet time from your coworkers, and if that isn't possible, take your work to quiet location. Limit your technology interruptions - Turn off your social media alerts, and only check your Facebook, Instagram outside work hours. Personal calls  can be done during your break time. Learn self-management skills – Self-management will help you increase your focus and decrease your stress. You, me, and others – all our working styles are diffe...

5 ways to boost your resilience at work

  In today’s super stressful environment, it is very important to know how to bounce back from the anxiety episodes. Studies show that physical symptoms such as headache, stomach upset, muscle tension, loss of appetite are the impacts of stress. I do agree that at times temporary stress can help us hit a deadline, but it zaps our energy. So, the key is to have strategies for resilience. Here are some tips based on my experience and research. Maintain perspective - We all go through ups and downs at work, and that is perfectly normal. It is understandable that always maintaining a happy attitude is difficult. You may, however, change negative thinking by introducing a growth mindset. This mindset will motivate you to take on obstacles so that you can learn and grow. You can moderate your negative thoughts and foster an environment where mistakes are tolerated by focusing on solutions. Manage stress - Establishing a healthy work-life balance will help you find time to unwind. Work ...

Manage your energy | Keshav Kumar Mishra

  Before I start writing this blog let me ask you a question. On an average how long do you work each day? Now when you have an answer to this, can you tell me how much energy you have available to use each day? It is hard to measure unlike time, right? Yes, your time is constant, but your available energy is not. In my entire career of leadership, I have realized that the secret to personal freedom is accepting yourself and aligning your personal energy needs with the purpose of your work. Once you learn how to manage your energy, you will decrease your anxiety level and increase your satisfaction level. Here are some compelling reasons why you should focus on managing your energy. Your energy is not constant like time - Your energy is the fuel that moves you forward in time, yet it is variable. Throughout the day, your energy level fluctuates. If you sit back and think there are several factors that influence your available energy. It can be your sleep, food habit, your emotions...

When crisis strikes, lead with humanity | Manoj Narkar

  Understanding good leadership and practicing leadership are two different things. Moving beyond yourself and standing in other people’s shoes is what true leadership all about. Leadership is much more than just a title. Leadership is about empathy, emotional intelligence, and collaboration to create an atmosphere where teams can succeed in challenging situations. This is the time when we leaders must provide direction, guidance, and reassurance to our people. I agree that these challenging times demand promptness. So, as leaders we need to help our people find clarity and strength in everything they do and move forward. Our organization is built on a foundation of genuine relationship-building and shared values. Therefore, we have been putting people first in all our endeavors. We invest in people through various engagement activities, training programs and rewards and recognition and we continuously unleash the full power and creativity of the workforce. As a Human Resource lead...

How to respond to tricky work situations

Did you know that we spend more than 90,000 hours of our life in the workplace? One can easily witness two World Cups in that time, the whole series of Friends was wrapped in that time. The bottom line is that so much more could have been done at this time. We all know that there are ample of energy-draining situations we face every day - whether it is a disagreement with your supervisor or a difference in opinion with your colleague, or your team member who fails to follow instructions, any of such situations can make your workday filled with moments of anxiety. Throughout my leadership journey, I have faced such situations, learned from them, and have grown eventually. So, today through this piece I would like to share five tough work situations and how to handle them. Someone criticizes your work – You all have experienced embarrassment during a meeting either by a supervisors or coworkers. I am sure that you must have replied positively, and not defensively, while handling suc...