When crisis strikes, lead with humanity | Manoj Narkar


Understanding good leadership and practicing leadership are two different things. Moving beyond yourself and standing in other people’s shoes is what true leadership all about. Leadership is much more than just a title. Leadership is about empathy, emotional intelligence, and collaboration to create an atmosphere where teams can succeed in challenging situations. This is the time when we leaders must provide direction, guidance, and reassurance to our people. I agree that these challenging times demand promptness. So, as leaders we need to help our people find clarity and strength in everything they do and move forward.

Our organization is built on a foundation of genuine relationship-building and shared values. Therefore, we have been putting people first in all our endeavors. We invest in people through various engagement activities, training programs and rewards and recognition and we continuously unleash the full power and creativity of the workforce.

As a Human Resource leader from my experience and learnings, I would like to share few concepts that can help you to lead with humanity even during crisis. Here’s how:

  • Say what you think and be authentic: It is very important to be true to yourself and your people. Always believe in open communication. This will not only help you to win the trust of your employees, but it will also help you to succeed in building a long-term relationship with your clients.
  • People first approach: Always remember that your team is the most important factor. Emphasize on your people, do everything for them and support them through thick and thin. A happy employee will always go that extra mile for you only if you support him/her unconditionally.
  • Establish connect with your team: Consistently communicate with your team and always be concerned about their problems and issues. Offer them help, know their thought process, know their moods, and deal with each of your members separately. It will help you to create a connection. I know that given the current situation, it is difficult to meet all your team members physically. But you can always connect with your team virtually, talk to each one individually and know their concerns and be there for them.
  • Avoid giving negative feedback in public: A good leader stands for their team members & provides constructive feedback to their team members, even whenever required. Manage well with those who are not performing as they must with respect and integrity. Never shame them in front of others.

Leaders cannot lead without a team, a dream team, who have each other for the achievements and disappointments. There can be no leadership without people or better say – without humanity. Today the road to success is in how we communicate, connect, and collaborate with each other. So, lead with humanity and be the leader you want to be.


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