Leadership Series | Aligning the organization for its digital future


Digital transformation is no longer a boardroom discussion, it is a practice that all organizations adopt to become future ready.

The word "digital" is slightly confusing as it means a lot of things to different people, from going paperless to data analytics and artificial intelligence and Agile teams – the range of transforming business the digital way has endless possibilities.

Preparing for a digital future requires an enterprise involvement. It means developing digital capabilities in which an organization’s activities, people, culture, and structure are aligned to the organization’s goal as digital transformation gives birth to disruptions. Digital involves automating operations,new business models, people skills, technology know-how and an optimal budgetary planning so that there aren’t any setbacks once the process starts rolling.

In the center of all transformation is leadership and culture, understanding what digital means to the company, so that the enablers to digital transformation such as client view, products and services, data and the cool technologies can give the shape to the company’s digital vision.

To align towards a digital future, some of the steps that needs to be followed are:

Create a digital roadmap and vision: Digital transformation is not about simply adopting new technologies. It requires a holistic endeavor, a clear vision and a detailed plan.In order to design the vision and the roadmap, we should assess our organization’s goals and do a check list of overall brand strategy, IT budget,operational costs, expected outcome, organizational impact and so on.

Make it digital at all levels: Transformation requires change at all levels within an organization. So, we should engage and involve our employees in both planning and execution. Thereby, not only the employees feel connected and involved in the process from the beginning, but when people from both the leadership and the mid level are involved, the transformation is likely to be a success.

Invest in talent: It is imperative to identify the right skills and the right talent to strategize, plan and execute each digital initiative. You should involve resources from your team who understand the existing process, opportunities for digitization and adopt the technologies. This involvement can enhance our digital skills and help identify new opportunities to go digital.

Adopt prudent tech stack: The right technology is a critical component of a successful digital transformation. The technology journey should start from taking complete inventory of your organization’s tech stack that includes current technical competencies, challenges faced, tools used for things like email marketing, customer relationship management, collaboration, reporting and analytics and so on. Digital technology needs to have full integration with the organization’s culture

Measure, evaluate and adjust:No matter how good the digital transformation strategy may be, there is always scope to improve, with changing customer expectations, operation models, technology and other factors. Hence, a consistent and ongoing measurement of the results and evaluation to identify improvements or new areas for transformation, are essential for long-term success.

Preparing an organization for digital transformation is a challenging task, but by creating a detailed plan and utilizing your team’s strengths, you can be prepared to make the process successful.So, keep an eye for opportunities for automation or digitization, align yourself to digital transformation and be future ready.


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