leadership Series | New Normal Workplace Culture


What was once the future of work has now become a thing of the past. With global COVID-19 we have not only redefined our working style but also our workplace culture. With employees working from different locations, we are always on guard to redefine how to maximize productivity.

Organizational culture is the key factor for any employee. I would say that the right culture is the main accelerator for any employee to survive in the new world where uncertainty prevails, and trust is a valuable currency. So, what do you think? How does this culture look like? Here are my few observations:

·    Be Digitally Ready: To handle a COVID-19 storm and many others it is important to be digitally transformed. Continue to deliver remotely and focus on client needs rather than being caught up with any internal issue. This will help you to lookout for new ways to become more productive and more innovative.

·     Be Tech-Savvy: To survive in the current environment, you not only should have remote working skills but also know how to absorb digital transformation. To reshape and embrace a holistic way of working, it is very important to adapt to change.

·     Be Agile: Times of uncertainty and big changes are best met with a mindset of dynamic thought and action. Always adapt to existing processes and structures to become future-ready.

·     Embrace Creativity: Think about our workplace culture a year back. If someone had told you that most of your workforce would be working remotely and that tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams will be used, you probably would have fallen out of your chair. Today’s reality is different. So always embrace your creativity, it will help you keep your accountability and performance on the track.

·      Prioritize Transparency: Being transparent does not mean revealing everything behind-the-scenes detail, but it does mean, being honest about what you choose to share. Always have straightforward communication with your clients and teams even if you do not have the answer to all. Get comfortable with saying, “I don’t know yet,” but always convey a commitment to provide an update. Do your best to set a deadline and meet it.

·   Effective Communication: Communication is a core competency. Now, more than ever, you establish channels and a regular cadence for communicating both with your clients and team members. Always create and give an opportunity to talk.

    It’s easy to get stuck in the “This is how we’ve always done it” mindset, but creativity is key to discovering your team’s potential. Now is an opportune time to open the door for more innovation.


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