Leadership Series | Ways to lead your team into a post pandemic world


In this new world of normalcy, the key priority for any organization is safety and well-being of the employees. Safety and security of all employees are off course essential but along with that, it is also important to address higher level needs such as the want of stability, trust, connection, self-esteem, bonding at the time of crisis.

We all know that this new normal looks much different than the life of pre-COVID-19. As an effective leader it is your responsibility to take care of your employees. You have to prepare and develop a roadmap that are safe for your employees.

I came across various scenarios and as a leader I feel it is important to share my views on how to lead teams  in a post pandemic world. Here’s how:

Be Clear about your Plan – Many organizations have already outlined their reopening processes, and some have even reopened at a modified level. What’s important is that you clearly state the safety parameters and changes that employees can expect when they make the return into the office space. For example, revised seating arrangement, steps taken to enter and exit office premises, rules to enter the elevator, and so on. Every detail should be clearly communicated to all the employees with as much advance notice as possible. It gives a sense of community to involve all employees of these big changes so that everyone can be on the same page and can know what to expect—regardless of who is directly or indirectly impacted.

Be Empathetic – As a leader it is your primary responsibility to be empathic. This is a period when everyone is going through a tough time, may be with illness, mental health, financial crunch and so on. As a leader you should be able to understand the needs of your team, be aware of their feelings and thought process. It doesn’t mean you always have to agree with their point of view, but- it means that you’re willing to understand and appreciate it.

Be Honest – Leadership is all about motivation and inspiration. I always say this during my employee townhall. Keep everyone abreast of what is going on within the organization — good and bad. Always remember that leaders who cover all sides are much more appreciated than leaders who conceal information. Avoid the use of "trust me" as part of your message delivery. Leaders earn trust, they can't demand it.

Have a Positive Outlook - We all have our ups and downs, and what’s happening to and around us has a big impact on it. It’s harder to be positive when life is dragging you down. However, regardless of your circumstances, as leaders you have to hold yourself to a higher standard. Your attitude not only affects you, but will affect the performance, happiness, and outlook of your team as well. You owe it to yourself and your team so always look for ways on how to be positive more often so that you can be a better leader.

Make sure the team understands the ‘why’ – Your team members should understand the organization’s bigger goal. They should understand why they are doing the work they do. Make sure you and your team are clear on what the priorities are for them and that each of them are aware  as to why, what they do is critical to the team, the vertical and the organization.

Keep an eye on the Future – Although we have started the new normal life, there is still change and uncertainty ahead, as all of us navigate through the post-pandemic world together. As a leader you should be ready to adapt to those future uncertainties.

So, always be aware of new changes and stay on top of what is happening next. As a final thought I would say that be a leader, or a manager, or an individual – always thrive to come out of crisis. It is then when you will master resilience.


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